Friday, 11. October 2024

The history of the Centre

The history of the Centre

        COS Olympic Preparation Centre in Zakopane takes advantage of unique situation of the facilities and exceptional geographical and historical factors. Both the situation of the Centre and a land development plan of Zakopane from the twenties of the 20th century, appoints the Central Sport Centre to the role of the continuator of conception of Sport Park from 1923. The Sport Park came into existence as a result of obtaining a status of health-resort by Zakopane. Every health-resort in Poland was obliged to work out the so called regulatory plan, consisting in organizing spatial politics of the city and to outline non-built-up area intended for recreation and sport. Engineer, The Area from Kuźnice, through Bogówka all the way to the Great Krokiew was involved in 1923 in new development project, by engineer Karol Stryjenski, as the tourist and Sport Park which was included to the regulatory plan of Zakopane. Following objects were included in the project: sport fields, swimming pools, tennis courts, amphitheatre, hockey ice rink and ski jump. For the realization of those plans a „Sport Park” partnership was appointed and the realization of those investments began.

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