Monday, 16. September 2024

About Us

About Us

COS Olympic Preparation Centre in Zakopane has been functioning under this name since 1969, but its history dates back to the pre-war years. It is here, in the autumn, 1927, The Condition Centre was established, where Polish sportsmen and sportswoman are prepared for the Winter Olympics in Saint Mortiz. Before the war, the area from Kuźnice, through Bogówka all the way to the Great Krokiew, was covered by the development project under the name: Tourist and Sport Park, which was included in the regulatory plan of Zakopane. The Park was established in 1923, Karol Stryjenski was the author.

In the project, there was included construction of: sport fields, swimming pools, tennis courts, amphitheatre, ice rink and ski jump. “Sport Park” partnership was appointed for the as construction contractor. The founding body was the group of activists of the oldest ski club in Poland: SNPTT-1907 – Karol Stryjenski, Józef Oppenheim, Ignacy Bujak, Kazimierz Schiele. In 1926 the partnership built among others ski jump at The Great Krokiew, where to this days the biggest sport events take place, including Ski Jumping World Cup.

COS OPO in Zakopane realizes public tasks, which involve creating conditions for sport training led by Polish Association of Sports and other subjects acting in the field of physical culture, through maintenance and management of sport buildings of the Central Sport Centre systematic, which is partially funded by Ministry of Sport and Tourism.


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